17 February, 2014

How to Change Clock to 24 Hour on Android

How to Change Clock to 24 Hour on Android is a post by Cory Gunther from Gotta Be Mobile.
Changing options and settings in Android is extremely easy once you figure out the general steps required, and changing the display clock format or type is one more we’re always being asked about.
Whether you’re used to getting up at 0600 hours and head to sleep around 2200, or would rather have your smartphone set to military time (24-hour clock) it’s only a few steps away on our Android smartphones and tablets in settings. A lot of people also call this travelers time, which does away with AM/PM and has users going from 0100 to 2400 instead. Read on for instructions to quickly change this.
24 clock
Settings on our Android smartphones are very easy and laid out in a simple fashion. Usually heading to the settings tab and scrolling through each one you’ll find what you need. However, if you’d like to quickly know how to change your clock to military time, or for some reason your Galaxy S3 switched to a 24 hour clock and you have no clue why, here’s how to switch this setting.


You’ll start by heading into settings on your smartphone or tablet which is either in the application tray usually as a gear-shaped settings icon, or it’s also in the notification pulldown shade. Once you’re in settings, which can look slightly different from each manufacturer, you’ll scroll down to the Date & time settings. This may be in a “device” or “system” tab on Galaxy devices.
Settings > scroll to Date & time > and simply tap the “Use 24-hour format” option in the settings menu.
Once selected (as shown at the top of the page) your phone or tablet will instantly switch over to the 24 hour clock without a reboot or anything. You’ll go from 9:30 AM to 09:30, or 2 PM will be 1400. Of course this settings menu is also where you’d uncheck 24-hour format if for some reason your smartphone is showing a 24 hour clock, and you’d rather it be regular instead.

13 February, 2014

iPhone and Android owners, you can now call your BBM pals for free

iPhone and Android owners, you can now call your BBM pals for free
BlackBerry has just rolled out the latest version of BBM, making BBM Voice and BBM Channels available to iPhone and Android owners.
Through BBM Voice you can call any BBM contact for free via Wi-Fi or cellular data. Meanwhile Channels is Blackberry's sort-of-social-network that lets you "follow" topics and chat with other BBM who share that mutual interest.
The update also throws in Dropbox support to let iOS and Android users send files directly to other BBM-ers. All very handy stuff.
  • Just how good is BlackBerry's latest OS, BlackBerry 10?

12 February, 2014

iPhone 6: 7 Tips for Future Buyers

iPhone 6: 7 Tips for Future Buyers is a post by Adam Mills from Gotta Be Mobile.
With iPhone 6 rumors swirling around, we’re starting to get bombarded with questions about Apple’s rumored 2014 iPhone from readers, family and friends. While we certainly don’t have all of the answers, we do have some worthwhile iPhone 6 tips for buyers that we think will not only make the wait a lot easier but the eventual release much smoother as well.
While consumer attention is primarily focused on the Samsung Galaxy S5 and the HTC M8, two flagship Android smartphone that are set to debut in just a few weeks, there are certainly those that have their eyes fixated on another big name smartphone, or smartphones, that should arrive some time later this year.
Every year, Apple releases an updated version of its iconic iPhone. Last year, it was the iPhone 5s and the iPhone 5c, this year, consumers are expecting an iPhone 6. Rumors suggest that Apple does indeed have another iPhone up its sleeve, that it’s not going to bow out of a smartphone market that it continues to dominate.
iPhone 6
iPhone 6 rumors, at the moment, are scarce, unsurprising given that Apple typically doesn’t announce or release its iPhone until much later in the year. That hasn’t stopped a barrage of questions from plummeting into our chat windows, Twitter feeds and email, however. No, we’ve been inundated with numerous questions about the iPhone 6. We’ve been answering those questions to the best of our ability but we thought it appropriate to extend our advice to more than just our family and friends.
Here, we want to offer up seven early iPhone 6 buyers tips that we think will be helpful to those who are considering the iPhone 6 as their next smartphone.

iPhone 6 Release in Summer/Fall

One of the questions that we continually get asked about the iPhone 6, and really every big name smartphone that’s rumored for 2014 and beyond, is about its release date. “When will the iPhone 6 be released?” While a specific date hasn’t been set in stone, we know that there are two windows where the iPhone 6 will likely be released.
The first is in the summer. WWDC, Apple’s annual developer conference, typically takes place during the month of June and in the past, it has been used as an iPhone launch pad. Apple shifted away from summer and WWDC with the last three iPhones but there are rumors that suggest it could return at least one iPhone launch to the annual conference. If it does, the device would likely arrive in late June or in July.
The other window is the fall. The iPhone 4s, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5s all arrived during the fall between the months of September and October. This is another likely window for the iPhone 6 in that it sets Apple up perfectly. iPhone 4s users will be coming off contract and it’s right before the holiday season which allows Apple to ramp up production to meet demand by the time November and December roll around.
No, we don’t know the exact date of the iPhone 6′s release but we know that Apple always uses either the summer or the fall so we advise interested consumers to circle July, September and October on the calendar and remain patient.

Expect a Larger Display

As of right now, we don’t know a lot about the iPhone 6 itself. Rumors haven’t emerged at the same frequency as Samsung Galaxy S5 rumors and there are still plenty of puzzle pieces missing. The iPhone 6 isn’t a blank canvas though.
One thing that appears likely is a larger display. It’s something that rumors from credible sources have consistently pointed to, time and time again, and at this point it’s impossible to ignore.

The Wall Street Journal believes the company will deliver a 4.5-inch and a 5+-inch iPhone 6. NPD DisplaySearch believes that two iPhone 6 models with higher resolution displays will be coming in 2014. A KDB Daewoo Securities report uncovered by OLED-Display includes two iPhone 6 display sizes. Ming-Chi Kuo of KGI Securities, who accurately predicted many iPhone 5s features, thinks Apple is planning an iPhone 6 with a screen between 4.5-inches and 5-inches. Here is how that breaks down:
  • 4.5-inch display – WSJ
  • 4.7-inch display – 1600 x 900 resolution – NPD
  • 4.7-inch to 4.8-inch display - 1920 x 1080 resolution – KDB
  • 4.5-inch to 5-inch display – Kuo
  • 5+ inch display – WSJ
  • 5.5-inch display – 1920 x 1080 resolution – NPD
  • 5.5-inch display – 2272 x 1280 resolution – KDB
So unless every single source here is wrong, the iPhone 6 will be coming with a display that is larger than the 4-inch Retina Display found on the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5 and iPhone 5c.
While nothing is confirmed, it’s safe to assume that at least one new iPhone model will come with a larger display. And it’s possible that they could be made out of Sapphire, something that would make them virtually unbreakable. With that in mind, our advice is this.
If you’ve been waiting for years for a larger iPhone display, now is the time to wait because all signs point to a much larger iPhone 6 display arriving later on this year.

Expect the iPhone 6 to Be Good

Another question that we continually get asked is: “What features will the iPhone 6 have?” We can’t answer that exactly but what we can tell you is that you should expect the iPhone 6 to come with hardware upgrades over the likes of the iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c and iPhone 5. Apple introduces advancements year-after-year and it would be strange to see an iPhone 6 share a camera or processor with the iPhone 5s. It will more than likely feature better hardware.
It’s safe to assume that the iPhone 6 will be better, performance-wise, than the iPhone 5s. That means features like gaming, multitasking and overall speed of the operating system should be improved. There are already rumors that point to an improved camera. The iPhone 5s is an extremely powerful smartphone, but the iPhone 6 will almost certainly be more powerful. And that will be key for many users who depend on their smartphone for more than just phone calls.

Don’t Limit Your Options

While it’s alright to have the iPhone 6 on your shortlist, we advise taking a serious look at some of the iPhone 6′s competitors. That includes the iPhone 5s, that includes the upcoming Samsung Galaxy S5 and HTC M8, and that will probably include a number of other devices that emerge between now and the summer.

A new Samsung Galaxy S5 rumor shows a possible design and dimensions.
A new Samsung Galaxy S5 rumor shows a possible design and dimensions.

We suggest doing as much research as possible. Play around with Android, take a look at Windows Phone, use Apple’s iOS 7 software because it’s likely going to be similar to the iOS 8 update that arrives along with the iPhone 6. The iPhone 6 may be the best smartphone of the year in the eyes of many but it won’t be that way for everyone.
So while your heart might be set on the next iPhone model, keep an eye on the competition. Who knows, you may just find something that you think is better than Apple’s experience.

Research Carriers

Between now and the iPhone 6 launch, consumers would be wise to do as much research as they can on carrier options in the United States. That means digging into the data plans and 4G LTE coverage at AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile, U.S. Cellular, and Verizon. There are tons of differences between these carriers and their coverage and the more you know, the better equipped you’ll be when the iPhone 6 finally does arrive.
The iPhone 5s shown next to a Galaxy Note 3 offers perspective to what a 5.5-inch iPhone 6 could look like.
We also suggest taking a look at their off-contract plans as well. These will appeal to those that find that they can’t stick to a smartphone through the duration of a contract. There are plenty of people who get bored with their device and want something new. And for those people, offers like AT&T’s Next and Verizon’s Edge are worth a look.
And finally, expect the iPhone 6 to arrive for the five major carriers in the United States in addition to a number of pre-paid and regional carriers. Apple’s iPhones always come to a wide swath of carriers so we suggest preparing for a widespread launch.

Don’t Believe Every Rumor

This probably goes without saying but we still think it’s important to note. Do not believe every single iPhone 6 rumor that comes out between now and the iPhone 6 launch. Gotta Be Mobile will do its best to bring you the most credible rumors but even then, those sometimes don’t pan out.
Apple, like other smartphone manufacturers, goes through a number of prototypes before it decides on a final version of its flagship phone. This is likely the reason why iPhone 6 display rumors are all over the place. This also means that Apple will continue to add and trim features in the build up to the devices eventual launch.
iPhone rumors typically start to firm up a few months ahead of the release and the most believable ones are typically the ones that get rumored over and over again ad nausea. Again, like the iPhone 6 display rumors.

iPhone 6 concepts showing what larger displays could look like.
iPhone 6 concepts showing what larger displays could look like.

We should also note that things like price and storage are usually some of the last dominoes to fall, if they even fall at all. When the iPhone 5s launch date arrived, we had no idea how much storage it would have or how much it would cost. Turns out, the price and the storage space for the iPhone 5s were both familiar.
And finally, about those iPhone 6 concepts. There is a reason they are called concepts. While they might pull in iPhone 6 rumors, they are usually from third-party designers and not the designers at Apple.

Start Saving Now

Smartphones aren’t cheap. They may appear cheap due to their subsidized price tags but those buying the iPhone 6 will incur hundreds if not thousands of dollars in charges thanks to features like data and accessories. So, with several months to go before the iPhone 6 launch, now is a great time to start saving money for not only the initial upfront cost of the iPhone 6 but for the costs that you’ll incur down the road.

The iPhone 6 price could jump according to one analyst.
The iPhone 6 price could jump according to one analyst.

One thing that we do suggest is to stay patient about trade-ins. Companies like Gazelle and NextWorth offer a lot of money for iPhone 5s and iPhone 5 trade-ins, something that can help offset the cost of your next smartphone. Those prices, however, don’t tend to start fluctuating until much closer to the actual launch which means that you have plenty of time to sell.

06 February, 2014


I am sure many of us are too much dependent on Internet Download Manager a.k.a. IDM. The main reason didn’t permanently switch to linux was IDM. I mainly use it for batch downloading and download streaming videos.
Till yesterday, IDM was working fine with me (of course with fake serial numbers, keygen, crack, patch etc. which could be found with little effort).
But few days ago, with the latest update version 6.18 build 7 (released on Nov 09, 2013) Internet Download Manager was literally had a breakthrough and crushed all the serial numbers, keygens, cracks, patches. Even if they worked just for a little while, users were prompted every minute reminding,
idm has been registered with a fake serial number
Internet Download Manager has been registered with a fake serial number
I tried re-patching, reinstalling, but this annoying message was persistent. It was so annoying that it keeps popping up until you exit  IDM.
Many of the users were experiencing the same problem and the most favorite solution was to edit the“c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts” file and setting the address of http://internetdownloadmanager.com and similar domains to local host [click to see].
I didn’t like the above mentioned way and it felt like having a vasectomy instead of just putting on a condom. :)

The other way is the easiest way. After cracking and patching IDM, just go to the installation folder of IDM “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager” and rename the “IDMGrHlp.exe” to anything you want or just delete it. Done!

rename the "IDMGrHlp.exe" to anything you want or just delete it
Rename the “IDMGrHlp.exe” to anything you want or just delete it
But wait! Every time you run IDM, there would be a new popup box saying “IDM cannot find 1 files that are necessary for browser and system integration. Please reinstall IDM“.

To get rid of it, place anything in that folder “C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Download Manager and rename it “IDMGrHlp.exe“. I made a copy of the “idmBroker.exe” and renamed it to “IDMGrHlp.exe“.

make a duplicate of idmBroker.exe and rename it to IDMGrHlp.exe.
Make a duplicate of idmBroker.exe and rename it to IDMGrHlp.exe.

No annoying message anymore!!!

05 February, 2014

LG India launches curved screen phone at Rs 69,999

 LG India has rolled out its first curved screen smartphone, G Flex, in India at Rs 69,999. The model had been unveiled in the country in December last year, and is the first smartphone in the market to have a curved display. At this price, the model is the most expensive Android smartphone in the market.

The new G Flex is available on online retailer Infibeam at Rs 69,490, with shipping in 1-2 days. The model is listed on Snapdeal at Rs 69,990, but it is shipping in 15 days.

Also read: LG G Flex: First impressions

LG G Flex is the second smartphone in the world to have a curved screen, next only to Samsung Galaxy Round. LG G Flex has a 6-inch flexible OLED screen that is curved along the horizontal axis. The phone's 3,500mAh battery is also curved.

Though the screen is flexible by itself, the glass casing does not allow it to be bent at will. However, the phone still bends if sufficient pressure is applied on it as the glass film is thin enough to be bent slightly.

The G Flex's curved screen provides the same viewing experience from 1 feet away that a 55-inch HDTV does from 10 feet, LG claims.

Apart from the curved display, this phone has another unique feature - a self-healing back. LG has used a self-healing technology on the phone's back, which allows it to heal small scruffs and scratches on the rear panel within 5 minutes. This self-healing is due to a molecular substructure coating on top of the phone's back panel and depends a lot on the room temperature; hotter the room, faster the healing. However, deep cuts that pierce through the coating will not be healed.

Key specs of LG G Flex include a 720 display, 2.2GHz quad-core Snapdragon 800 processor, 2GB RAM and 32GB internal storage. Just like LG G2, the new G Flex has the power key and volume buttons on the back, positioned below a 13MP camera with LED flash.

Earlier, LG said that the G Flex will be available for pre-orders in Singapore from December 8 and Hong Kong from December 13. It will hit other "key markets" of Asia by the end of the year. The smartphone will be available in Europe early next year and hit the US market thereafter.

It is rumoured that the successor of LG G Flex, expected to hit the market next year, will have a screen that will bend at 90-degree angle with ease. Samsung has also revealed that it will launch its first phone with a bendable screen next year.